Heal Talk Tuesday 3E Technique Let it GoThis Heal Talk Tuesday,  I share another 3E Technique I use and share with my clients.

Let it Go!

This simple technique will help you bring forth a thought or something negative you had not thought of till now, embrace and give it more love only to release and let it go (perhaps for good).

This looks simple, yet it’s a powerful healing technique to help clear a lot of negativity and pain.

Please share your thought and experience as you do it and how you feel a few days afterward.


#wehealwithin #healwithinglendale #3E #youmatter #youhaveitwithin #youcandothis
#hypnotherapyglendale #selfesteem #stressnomore #guidedvisualization

If you feel there is a change you need help with, let’s talk! Get a free consultation.