Stop Smoking
Most smokers have experienced this scenario more than once:
After several weeks, or even months, you have been good and resisted the urge to smoke. Then, one day you slip. You are stressed, someone steals your parking space, you have had a bad day, your loved one passes, your significant other breaks up with you, whatever the trigger may be, all of that effort to stop smoking is wasted. All those good intentions, cravings, plans made, for you just to fall right back into your habit of smoking.

My Story
You may think it is harder than anything you have ever done and it’s impossible to stop this deadly habit but I know very well what it feels like because I used to be a smoker too!
I began smoking at the age of 12 up until the year 2000 when I made the effort to stop for good. So I DO know what it feels like when a client tells me “it’s hard”, “I’ve tried but can’t”, I’m afraid I won’t be able to” or “are you sure this will work”? I know there may be a little voice that tells you “come on, one won’t make a difference. You are hurting, you are emotional, you are stressed and you need just one, one won’t matter”. You tell yourself “I’ll quit after this one.”
I also know that many of my clients have stopped in less than three sessions – some even after their first session- AND SO CAN YOU!
Use Hypnosis to stop smoking… do the job right.
Addiction is very clever. It works on an unconscious level. So however strong your conviction is to start with, addiction waits until you are at a ‘low’ point and then strikes. And suddenly you find yourself making up the most incredibly creative reasons for why it’s OK to have ‘just that one’.
There are plenty of people out there willing to tell you how to stop smoking – quitting tips are everywhere. There are also a million and one ways to stop smoking. From nicotine patches and chewing gum to tablets, lozenges, inhalers and Zyban, the stop smoking drug, but what they all fail to do is target the vital component, the unconscious mind.
If you are going to make the effort to free yourself from the terrible effects of smoking, why not do it right? Use a proper smoking cessation hypnosis program that will leave you free of the desire to smoke.
Through hypnosis, we use every single psychological trick that smoking addiction plays on you and free you from its grip. Using my Hypnosis to Stop Smoking sessions will gently move your mind from its current habitual state to complete freedom from cigarettes. No longer will you be controlled by the need to smoke. No more planning your day so you can smoke. No more running outside at work or at parties. No more worrying whether you have enough cigarettes left.
There is a profound difference between a smoker who has stopped smoking and a non-smoker. The smoker courageously resists having a cigarette, while the non-smoker couldn’t think of anything worse than smoking. After this program you will be a real non-smoker– someone who can’t imagine why they ever smoked. The catch…. Don’t stop until you are ready!
Find out how easily you too can become a Non-Smoker in less than 3 sessions!
The Stop Smoking Package includes:
First session approx 90 minutes
Second session one hour – within 3-4 days
Third session one hour – within one week
You also receive a powerful audio recording with specific suggestions working with your subconscious mind as a reinforcement. For best results, listen to the recording for 32 consecutive days before sleep.
Stop Smoking for Good!
Before you Stop Smoking
Set a date. Then, list your reasons for wanting to stop smoking. For you and your family’s health, to save money, to prevent wrinkles, or because the doctors told you to, whatever your reasons may be.
Plan an activity to distract the urge to smoke. Urges don’t last long – take a walk, brush your teeth, drink water, have a mint or chew gum.
Plan a regular, healthful reward to stop smoking. Take the money you save by not buying cigarettes and spend it on yourself.
Begin your smoke-free life today!
You can now purchase my Hypnosis audio recording of “Stomp on Smoking” and help you feel more in balance and in control of your internal body as you relax with the soothing voice of Liza and music.
When you stop smoking
Know what to expect. The worst will be over in just a few days, but physical withdrawal symptoms may last one to three weeks. After that, it is all psychological.