Since the holidays are for the giving, I am gifting you my audio recording of Attract Love. Please download the recording and save it to your device so that you can listen to it at your leisure. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you drift into a hypnotic state and attracting love.
Here are simple and effective ways to step into the New Year. Focus on practical ways to manifest, co-create, and set intentions.
1. Clear Your Mind For Attraction
You must find a silent place, to keep your mind in peace. A peaceful mind makes the Law of Attraction work easier for you. Next, all you must do is meditate for about five to ten minutes. Meditation makes your mind shift into a positive state and being positive is important to attract or manifest using the Law of Attraction.
2. Decide What You Want
You must be clear and confirm what you want to attract or manifest. Once you decide, you must focus on it. Do not keep changing your goal, otherwise, the Universe will give you only half the results or maybe not at all. Your decision must be specific and never let anything that can change your focus and concentration. Law of Attraction requires a constant focus on your request.
3. Ask What You Want From The Universe
You can do this by thinking about it, yet I found out it is not enough. To make your attraction stronger, you must write it down and be specific and detailed. It must be in the present and you need to feel like you already attracted what you wanted. The Secret said you can begin by “I am so happy and grateful now that…” and explain it in detail. You must write about what you want instead of what you do not want. You get what you focus on. So, write positive sentences and focus only on what you want.
4. Visualize Having What You Want
Law of Attraction requires you to visualize by using all your senses. You must feel like you already have what you wanted. In this step, your thoughts and feelings vibrations need to match the same frequency of already having what you wanted. When it matches, the Universe will deliver it into your life because it is the way you are feeling. Law of Attraction does not only work based on thoughts, but it is also work based on feelings and visualization you generate. Remember the Universe understands energy, feelings, and visualization. It does not understand words.
5. Express Gratitude To The Universe
A most important element in the Law of Attraction. You have plenty of things to be grateful for. Look around you, find the good things in your life right now, and be grateful for them. Gratitude attracts more good things to your reality because it opens the way for the Universe to give more. Now, express gratitude as if you have gotten what you wanted. We talk about this in-depth in our Law of Attraction cheat-book. You can get it here.
6. Release Your Desire
You have gone through all the steps above. Now, leave your request to the Universe. Believe that it will deliver. Never ever think about how it will come. The “how” should be left to the Universe. The Law of Attraction does not reveal how it will give you want you are trying to attract; it will find its own way. Opportunities will start showing up. It happens in the Universe’s consciousness.
7. Always Feel Good – And Be Positive
You must be aware of your thoughts every moment. If you cannot do that – do it the other way around, by monitoring your feelings. You must feel good. If you feel good, you will be in a positive state to receive whatever you want. You should not have doubts about your request to the Universe. If you do, replace it very quickly with the feelings of having what you wanted and being grateful for it. We talk about how to change your mindset in seconds in our Law of Attraction cheat-book. Your negative thoughts must be stopped by changing how you are feeling. Be grateful for the good things you have right now. Your state of mind will instantly switch from negative to positive.
8. Be Patient To The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction has no rules in time. So, you cannot get the answer to when you will get what you want. So, keep working on the manifestation. You must believe and have faith in the Universe.
9. Let The Law Of Attraction In
You must allow the Law of Attraction to deliver what you want. You will get inspired to do certain actions. You will start seeing opportunities that will lead you to get what you want. The Universe and the Law of Attraction will speak to you through intuition. By the way, always think wisely when you are taking the opportunities or chances.
10. Be Open to Receive
Once you received what you wanted, enjoy it, and express your gratitude to the Universe for allowing the Law of Attraction to deliver what you wanted.
From my heart to yours…. Wishing you a safe, healthy, and kinder, and warmer holiday.
I am here for you every step of the way.