

Hypnobirthing – Be stress-free and have a safe and comfortable birth.

A new life is growing inside you.  Let’s welcome your baby with ease.

Welcoming a baby into this world is one of life’s most profound and joyful experiences.

Through our Easy Birthing hypnosis sessions, your mind will associate peaceful calmness with the birth process.  When it’s time for birthing, your mind and body will relax, and yet be ready to blossom.  Through our sessions leading to your delivery, your body will be in the knowing as how to expand, contract, and send all the right signals to your body for easy birthing.

And even if your birth doesn’t proceed exactly according to plan, knowing you can tap into your body’s natural ability for deep relaxation is both comforting and empowering. These sessions can be used to imbed and rehearse your birth experience from 33 weeks onwards.

Hypnobirthing is using self-hypnosis techniques to reduce anxiety and fear during labor while holistically. It’s also about educating and training women to give birth easily, confidently, calmly, and be in total control and flow in any environment.

Her Royal Highness Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, has revealed to mass media that she turned to “hypnobirthing” for all three of her deliveries.

As a clinical hypnotherapist, I have guided many expecting moms through their delivery… and one special mom gave birth in her own bedroom!

How can hypnobirthing help you when you are pregnant?

You are about to go through many changes – not only physical changes but mental and emotional transitions as well. The next 38-42 weeks will be the most beautiful, challenging, exciting, and possibly anxious times of your life. Your Hypnobirthing sessions with Liza will give you the opportunity to connect lovingly with your baby, to accept the changes your body will go through, nourish, rest, sleep better, and relax wonderfully deeply – a major boost in itself!

Hypnobirthing is using self-hypnosis techniques to reduce anxiety and fear during labor while holistically. It’s also about educating and training women to give birth easily, confidently, calmly, and be in total control and flow in any environment.

When a woman prepares for childbirth with hypnosis the hypnotic suggestions aim to reduce and replace fear and expectations of pain with stress-free, safe, gentle, and even comfortable birth.

Here you will learn self-hypnosis, using techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and affirmations, connecting with your body and baby, and concentrating on the sound of your breathing. You will learn word association and vocabulary to describe labor and birth, to break the traditional association of birth with pain. For instance, having contraction vs. pain, or referring to dilation as blossoming.

We also provide audio recordings with positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualizations to guide your body and thoughts to relax, control your breathing, and be focused on your baby coming!

I can be with you for just a few sessions or through your labor.  I’m here for you.

Hypnobirthing – Using hypnosis to guide you through your pregnancy

First, actively keep in mind the meaning and purpose of your pregnancy. It may be obvious, but it bears repeating. Pregnancy is not about where you stand in the relentless but artificial ‘beauty contest’ imposed on us by current social patterns. Pregnancy is about the wonder of bringing forth new life, a new generation, a new person – a new person with the potential to be and do all that is open to a human being.
Second, cultivate in yourself an understanding and appreciation of the physical unfolding of pregnancy. There is no better way to do this than by letting go of all the self-criticism and throwing yourself into the wonder of what is happening. And there is no better way to do that than by using hypnosis to enter a state of deep relaxation and to focus all your attention and energy on the miracle that is happening within you.
Love your pregnant body is a hypnotherapy session which will carry you away from those negative thoughts and voices into a state of deep peace and calm, where you can feel totally at one with yourself – and with the one within. Your body will make it easy and delightful to engage your mind with the natural and wonderful reality of pregnancy, teaching you to appreciate it in ways you would never have thought of. You’ll find it easy to establish and maintain a state of deep and confident enjoyment of your pregnant condition.
Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool for building positive intention and motivation.
When you feel fear during childbirth, your body releases stress hormones that trigger the body’s “fight or flight” response. This causes muscles to tighten and interferes with the birthing process. By training your subconscious mind to expect a safe, gentle birthing, you can avoid going into the fight-or-flight state, allowing for a easier and smoother birth.
Many say women can respond to hypnotic suggestions so well that they release “feel-good” hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin, while giving birth. We know relaxation can lower maternal levels of circulating catecholamines [stress hormones], and lower levels of catecholamines can facilitate uterine contractions. Hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions help to relax the mother’s muscles and nervous system to the point that she feels less pain – or even no pain at all – thus, “easy birthing”!
Deep and regular relaxation means your system is going to be functioning closer to its best to ensure you are best placed to breast feed.
Keeping a positive attitude is important as is feeling calm and relaxed during feeding. It’s totally understandable to sometimes have gloomy thoughts about being a mother because it is a lot of work. This is why it’s important to consider that you can be an excellent loving mother and sometimes feel resentful or ‘tied’ to your baby.
It’s important to understand just the extent that relaxation and having the right unconsciously held mindset can help in your breast feeding. Hypnosis is the perfect way for you to instill a relaxed and comfortable association with feeding your baby.
Allow us to help you through this phase and rejoice in loving yourself!
Your milk production and release is reliant on both physiological and psychological factors. Stress and the daily grind of looking after other children or continuing to work can affect your milk production. So what’s going on in your mind will affect how well your body works. Fortunately hypnosis is a great way of encouraging just the right breastfeeding mindset.
Breastfeeding your baby is so healthy and is such an excellent start to ensuring he or she builds a good immune system. There are so many plus points for breastfeeding. But, of course, when you are the one doing it; breastfeeding can be difficult and tiring which is why having a powerful sense of the massive health benefits for your baby is going to be so valuable as a motivator.
There are many research studies indicating that breastfed babies are protected from a large array of childhood diseases and have better brain development. It also seems that women who breast feed are at lower risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and even hip fractures in later life.
So breastfeeding is a healthy win/win for you and your baby.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing Include:

  • Diminish fears and anxiety
  • Learn to very quickly and deeply relax and focus
  • Reduce/Modify your perception of Pain
  • Build your confidence and calmness
  • Reduce the need for interventions (c-cection, forceps, etc.)
  • Expand your emotional and mental control in labor
  • Smooth the transition into parenting
  • Reduce/eliminate the need for medication in labor

The techniques I teach in Easy Birthing are hypnosis techniques for childbirth and pain management, as well as breath work and my personal experience assisting deliveries.

How can pregnancy cause stress?

The early stages of pregnancy are blighted for many women by the symptoms of morning sickness. When severe, morning sickness can ruin what is supposed to be a joyous time.
The nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness are caused in part by the major physical changes in pregnancy, the higher levels of certain hormones and a greater sensitivity to odor and taste. Because these changes are an essential part of a healthy pregnancy, to talk about a ‘cure for morning sickness’ is just not realistic. And most women want to avoid medication while their unborn babies are at such a vital stage.
However, morning sickness is not just physical – there is also a psychological element. Certain triggers can become associated with nauseous feelings. Your subconscious mind can help stop these associations from producing nausea.
Your brain controls nausea and vomiting through the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary functions such as heartbeat and breathing. Different irritants such as smells, tastes, anxiety, pain, motion or chemicals can trigger the vomiting center in the brain to initiate the vomit reflex.
To the average person’s daily stresses, you now have elevated symptoms of stress that effect the whole you – body, mind and spirit. Stress levels increase and your ability to cope/manage them are reduced during your pregnancy.
But once you learn how to calm down the part of the brain that produces this effect, you will feel so much better from day to day. Hypnosis acts as a natural remedy for morning sickness – you can use techniques that will immediately improve your symptoms.
Whatever your starting state, as pregnancy progresses, you will inevitably grow larger, heavier, and rounder. It would be very worrying if you did not! But these changes in your body shape may arouse conflicting feelings. On the one hand, it is good to see your body developing as it should in preparation for birth. On the other hand, as you depart further and further from the ‘ideal’ shape, it can feel hard to be appreciative.
Comments from others can make it worse. Most people don’t mean to be unkind, of course, but references to your weight, or size, can feel particularly insensitive at this time. And then there’s maternity wear. It’s hard enough to find truly flattering maternity clothes, and even when you do, the contrast between your capacious garments and the close fitting attire so carelessly sported by your friends can feel a little stark.
According to experts, you can gain as much as 25 to 30 pounds during normal pregnancy. Based on standard pregnancy calendars, you may gain about 2 pounds a month during the first trimester and maximum of 4 pounds a month during the last trimester of your pregnancy. Yes, that sounds like a lot but you have to understand that when you are pregnant, you body makes room for the baby and undergoes a lot of changes to accommodate the needs of the baby.
Moreover, you start eating for two when you are pregnant so there is a big possibility that you will gain a lot of extra pounds over the nine-month pregnancy period. An increase of 25 to 30 pounds is not really very alarming especially when you are entering the last few weeks of your pregnancy.
To make sure that you are still within your allowable weight increase level, use a pregnancy weight calculator to maintain the ideal weight. You may need to change your eating habits and exercise more. However, before you make changes in your diet, you should consult your doctor first. Remember that your baby needs a lot of nourishment so you should not just cut back on food without your doctor’s knowledge. You do not really want to deprive your baby of his or her much-needed nourishment.

How does stress affect your baby?

Stress during pregnancy and the mother’s anxiety may reduce blood flow to the womb and thereby reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients the baby receives through the placenta. Scans have shown that there is reduced blood flow to the baby in anxious mothers. Undue and prolonged mother stress can, it seems, affect the unborn fetus emotionally and physically, to the extent that its IQ can be lowered.

Become more attentive to yourself and your unborn baby

Everybody needs to relax regularly, to feel supported and secure. But when you are pregnant, these needs take extra priority because when you are happier, your baby is happier and may also be healthier. Take time to talk with people you feel safe with and make relaxation and rest an important part of your day. Every time you relax deeply your immune system works more powerfully and your heart and lungs have a healthy rest. Soothing music, warm baths, strolls and being with friends and nature, meditation and regular deep hypnotic relaxation can have a wonderful impact on your baby in the womb.


Regular and wonderfully deep relaxation while you are pregnant will free your body and mind to use available energy for restorative functions. When you relax, your baby will relax. Relaxation can actually enhance the functioning of your body and mind.


I would highly recommend listening to my Easy Childbirth audio recording specifically to help you look forward to this great event calmly and confidently in the privacy of your home.

You will acknowledge and feel the benefits, easing your concern for what you will experience during labor and contractions.


How Hypnobirthing Works with Pregnancy Massage

Hypnobirthing works along with pregnancy massage. Pregnancy massage focuses on giving the mother-to-be the special attention she needs, which helps to nurture the new life that is growing within her. Our commitment to you is what sets us apart from the rest of the massage community. Our therapists have specific knowledge to alleviate pain, understand all stages of your pregnancy, and lend emotional support. Although HealWithin no longer provides massage therapy, we can refer you to someone who does. 

Why focus on the needs of pregnant women?

Simply because you need it more than any other group of people we can imagine. Traditional choices for pain relief and relaxation are limited for expecting mothers, like certain exercise and most medication. At the same time, stress levels can be high (even good changes can be stressful!) and joints and muscles are under daily pressure. We are committed to your health, your families and friends; thus, we are not exclusive to pregnancy.

Regular massages during pregnancy can also shorten labor time and make the return of your optimal fitness easier. During labor, massage is an effective pain relief tool. Ask about how your partner can massage you during labor, and what other beneficial natural techniques you can use to have a rewarding birth experience. We also provide hospital visits

What is a prenatal massage?

Massage provides many benefits for the pregnant woman. With extensive body changes and extra tension in the muscular skeletal system, caused by hormones and a shift in your centre of gravity, having massages can be the difference between a miserable pregnancy and having a healthier life experience.

  • There is a good chance that you will suffer from some amount of lower back pain during your pregnancy and pregnancy massage techniques can help give you some natural pain relief.
  • Stretch marks are a regular occurrence during pregnancy as the skin gets stretched to accommodate the baby that is growing within. The appearance of these marks can be significantly reduced using massage as it helps the skin become more subtle and pliable.
  • Cramps in early pregnancy are a common symptom of your pregnancy but can be easily alleviated with a simple abdominal massage. This has to be carried out in such a way though as not to put pressure on your baby.
  • It increases blood and lymph circulation, reduces edema, and relief from varicose veins.
  • Reduces musculoskeletal strain and pain, especially in the back and neck
  • Development of kinesthetic awareness necessary to actively participate in birthing
  • Development of nurturing maternal touch
  • Shorter, less painful labor and reduction of labor complications and interventions (when received during labor).

What the moms say about Hypnobirthing

So happy to be a mama!!! Meet our amazing organic daughter Gina Ani Gagua! She was born at HOME, yes at home with the support of my loving husband Irakli Gagua, mentor and dearest friend, Astrik Vardanyan and dear friend and hypnotherapist Liza Boubari who helped me with being grounded and focused during the process of having our angel!
Anush Gagua
I never imagined seeing you. I never knew helping me through the birthing process would result in a friendship..but that is what sets you apart from other professionals. You truly care about your clients, it shows — and there is no doubt.”
Thank You for everything!
Liza…I couldn’t wait to be born and arrived one week before my due date –but the day of my birth started out so smoothly and ended the same for mommy and me. When I was ready, my birth happened in 15 pushes and 3 contractions. Thank you for your amazing techniques, as well as the emotional support and encouragement for my mommy.
Julie and Asher , 1.24.09
What can I say other than Thank You Liza – for your guidance and support through these last months. They said the 1st is difficult…but we proved them different! We are both doing great. G is healthy, happy and absolutely beautiful and I am thrilled! I highly recommend all pregnant women to add and use Hypnosis and this birthing process to ease their mind and relax their body.
Bridge and baby Greyson U. , 9.27.08
Thank you for the loving touches and soothing and calming words during my pregnancy massage. You have no idea how comforting it was knowing I could call and come in every time my back and legs would hurt. I know I can always count on you being there for us. I’m certain Michael loved it too. And here we are! God Bless,
Claudia W. and Baby Michael, 7.1.11
Thank you for all your guidance and help through hypnosis for the easy delivery. Having the sessions with you and listening to your voice each night helped ease the process. It was as if you were with me in the delivery room, and just as you’d say… let her glide through. Well, there was some, actually a lot of work on my part, but it turned out to be easier than what my friends made it to be. I am so grateful that Steve found you – you have been a God sent and baby Zoe Mae is an Angel.
Alana and Zoe
It was my first experience with hypnotherapy & it was great. I left feeling so relaxed. I labored at home for almost 3 hours using calming/breathing/visualization techniques that Liza taught me. When I got to the hospital, I was calm & talking/joking/laughing with my husband. Everything was just so calm. The whole birth experience was so much better than my 1st & I am so grateful to Liza for helping me calm down enough to enjoy the experience of bringing my baby into the world.
Natalie Cerpa
Complimentary Consultation

Experience the miracle of life

Incorporate hypnotherapy into your birth plan today
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