Pain Control

Hypnosis to control pain can be used as a tool or set of techniques to enhance concentration, minimize the usual distractions, and heighten responsiveness to suggestions to alter one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, or physiological state.
Research shows that hypnosis works as part of a treatment with pain relief or to control pain. Among the benefits associated with hypnosis is the ability to alter the psychological components of the experience of pain that may then have an effect on even severe pain.
Hypnosis can decrease sensitivity to pain – known as hypno-analgesia – associated with significant reductions in: ratings of pain, need for analgesics or sedation, nausea and vomiting, and length of stay in hospitals.
How you cope and deal with pain varies-because pain is subjective.  Ear ache for some can be quite painful where others may say tooth ache to be worse. Someone hearing this will smile and say, you do not know what pain is until you have experienced epidural. Does this make sense?
Pain is a subjective experience influenced by your memory, expectation, stress, fatigue, environment, and genetic programming. This explains why the intensity of your pain may have no relationship to the severity of your injury—because it’s not just the injury itself that causes pain, but your emotional and learned response to it.
How can hypnosis affect pain management?
First, the effects of hypnotic suggestions on brain activity are real and can target specific aspects of pain. Hypnosis decreases the intensity of pain and is significantly decreases in pain intensity, and the experience of pain intensity.
Hypnotic suggestions given to decrease the unpleasantness result in decrease in activity in the areas of the brain responsible for processing the emotional aspect of pain, but not those areas that are responsible for processing pain intensity.
Second, when hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions are combined with other treatments, those other treatments become more effective. When people with chronic pain are taught how to use self-hypnosis for pain management and improved sleep, they experience pain relief and sleep better. People who learn self-hypnosis can not only experience significant pain relief, but report a greater sense of overall well-being and control.
Third, hypnotic suggestions have been shown to reduce the time needed for medical procedures, speed recovery time, and result in fewer analgesics needed — all of which not only result in more comfort for the patient, but save the patient and the patient’s insurance companies money.
It is a known fact that Hypnosis assists patients in obtaining deep levels of relaxation, which often leads to more peaceful sleep, increased energy, and a diminished experience of pain. For all of these reasons, more clinicians are seeking to learn how to apply hypnosis and to teach self-hypnosis to their clients with acute or chronic pain.
For the last 9 years I have used self hypnosis for all my dental work – with no anesthetics during any and all dental work, including three root canals.
Did you know parts of your body such as muscle, have memory?
Sometimes chronic pain has no obvious physical cause. The original wound may have healed, or there may never have been an injury as severe as the pain would suggest. Also, the brain can feel pain even without any input from the body. For example, an amputee may feel pain in a missing limb. The sensation of physical injury clearly cannot come from a body part that is not there, so it must originate in the brain. It appears that the brain can even cause pain by sending signals that tell nerve endings to release inflammatory chemicals.
Chronic pain syndromes can actually change the way the body’s pain-sensing mechanisms and its natural pain-relieving systems operate, so the nervous system becomes more sensitive to pain and less receptive to the brain chemicals that moderate or turn off pain. This “remodeling” of the nervous system is one reason that prominent pain researchers now believe chronic pain should be considered an actual disease of the nervous system.
It is a known fact that Hypnosis assists patients in obtaining deep levels of relaxation, which often leads to more peaceful sleep, increased energy, and a diminished experience of pain.