3 Minute Mindfulness and Joy
If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom? Khalil Gibran
When you happen to feel anxious, down, depressed, jealous, resentful or even hurt and angry, you are consumed with negative thoughts that only bring you more of same.
Do you want to form a new feeling and feel better, brighter and happier? Who doesn’t – right? If so, would you be open to a 3 minute exercise and learn how to conjure good feelings instantaneously?
When I feel down and under or in a funk, I think of a time and a place that made me feel alive and awesome. Here is one scenario that works for me each and every time.
I close my eyes and imagine I’m parasailing in Cabo San Lucas. I allow myself to feel the seat, see the boat and the drivers and as I am lifted, all sounds get muffled and I hear myself breath. The feeling of being on top of the world above the vastness of the ocean and the city, wind against my face, and fully aware this is the most amazing feeling that brings me peace and joy within.
If you wonder if it’ll work for you or not, or think you’re not good in visualization but are willing and ready to have flowers blossom – just say YES. Yes not to me, but yes to YOU.
Allow me to help you reconnect and remember your thoughts matter, your feelings matter – YOU Matter. Go ahead, find a safe place and sit back comfortably – giving yourself 3-5 minutes. That’s all I ask of you.
Now, do your best to think of 3 moments or scenarios in your life that put a smile on your face? Think of an experience or what surrounds you now, if not now, perhaps you experienced it in the last day, week, month or if need be, go all the way back to the good old days (as you may call it). Start with one and do your best to think of 3.
As you remember 3 scenarios, let’s expand on it.
- What experiences about these 3 scenes made you smile and feel happy.
- Where are you in each scene?
- Who are you with?
- Is it day time or night time?
- What are you doing? How do you feel it?
- Do you hear sounds or see yourself marvel in the 3 scenes.
- Are you with a friend, family, lover, pet, or just by yourself?
- Are you laughing, dancing, walking or playing?
- Do you feel love and loved, sexy, giddy, excited, proud?
As you think and visualized all this, how does it make you feel within your body, your heart, and your breathing?
Are you a bit calmer, feeling more content and good inside-out?
- Now, place your hand on your stomach and breathe.
- Close your eyes and with every inhale, expand on the joy and goodness… and as you exhale, let all the tension that was stuffed in your throat area come out -as if blowing it all out.
- Relax and drop your shoulders and your back muscles.
- Listen to the sound of your breathing, and slowly and gently let all the worries, negativity and care of the world fade away for 3 minutes – or longer.
Nothing matters at this very moment. Just you and Your inner Self.
You deserve 3 minutes to yourself.
You may choose to expand and feel yourself immerse in one scene only and that’s perfect. Know that there is no right or wrong in this exercise – the more you practice, the faster you can create joy within.
Evoke what was, Embrace what is, and Evolve to what you desire to feel and be. – YOU Matter
Hope you enjoyed the 3 minute mindfulness.
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