hypnotherapy to treat trauma

Today’s session: Hypnotherapy to Treat Trauma

Welcome to Heal-Talk Tuesdays with Liza.

Hypnotherapy can help in the treatment of trauma by going right to the root cause of these symptoms accessing information stored in your physical body, subconscious mind, and for those who believe, your energetic fields.

The actual traumatic event can be evoked and examined, accept the facts of what occurred as you embrace, only to be expressed, released and transformed – in a way to evolve.

This process gives you a sense of control and strengthens your ego – restoring of the self for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts to be unified, balanced, and whole. From this place healing within begins.

If you or someone you know who may be interested in making changes for the better, contact me.

HealWithin – Where Transformation Begins

3E Event 2019 – Don’t miss out!

Ladies… Join me at our Live 3E Event!
Sign up and register to attend our 7th annual 3E Event on June 1, 2019, at Castaway in Burbank.  This is not an event, but an experience.
Gentlemen, you can give this to the women of your life – a day dedicated to women, a day of inspiration and much more.  They will thank you for this.

I encourage you to read the excellent book by Gary Chapman, The Five Languages of Love.

For more guidance – contact or call me~ I’m here for you. “You Matter”


You can catch my live broadcast on the HealWithnin Facebook page Tuesdays at noon, https://www.facebook.com/Boubari. Don’t have Facebook? No worries, you catch up here or on my YouTube channel.  Don’t forget to comment, like, subscribe and share!

If you feel there is a change you need help with, let’s talk! Get a free consultation.