Do you Eat Emotionally?
Recognizing your vices and how they help you cope with untapped emotions.
Yes – You can become more aware and learn to shift your auto responses to now better cope with life.
Here are a few tips…
1- Become more aware each time you reach for (your vice) when it’s not a need.
2- Take a few moments before you stuff or shut down your feelings with (your vice)
3- Write- journal, speak, record. Express it before you stuff it
4- Be more loving to every part of you.
5- Be bolder than the negative voice.
6- Be grateful to all that you had, have, will have.
7 – Sometimes divorcing what you are emotionally connected to (knowing it is not good for you) is best for you.
Evoke-Embrace-Evolve “You Matter” – Set up a Free Consultation.