The Great American SmokeOut traditionally takes place on the third Thursday in November. Although the Great American SmokeOut is a good idea, in practice it has not worked for millions of people. Less than 1% stop smoking on this day.
Here is my question to you~
Are you a smoker?
How long have you been smoking?
Have you tried stopping?
How did you stop smoking?
Have you remained a none-smoker?
I am a true believer that all the patches, smokeless cigarettes and drugs do one thing – take you from one habit to another. If you are determined to leave this nasty debilitating habit for good, then by all means, you can do it naturally. Yes, you can Stop Smoking through hypnosis. It can be effortless and as easy as 1-2-3.
What you need is: Readiness, Willingness and the word “Yes I Am Ready” – This is called Consent. It is what your subconscious mind needs to hear you say! Although there are no guarantees in life, the success rate is higher than average. I ought to know-I used to smoke since I was 12 years old. I stopped smoking through hypnosis. Some people can stop in just One session, yet others may need a few more sessions. That is the beauty of who we are – unique in our own way.
On November 18th, I dedicate my time for FREE – to help YOU be Free of Smoking.
We are doing something Big for The Great American SmokeOut Day. RSVP here. With my help, You too can beat the odds. Let’s not waste another moment. If you can not attend the SmokeOut Day event, then by all means, call me Today and schedule your appointment to come in to be free of a habit that is no longer beneficial to you, your health, nor your surroundings.
Trance On to Wellness,