Is the mere mention of the word “menopause” make you cringe? You can now make these simple lifestyle changes, and enjoy your body’s natural changes.
Manage stress – ease menopause. The continuation of stress can expose your body to stress hormones – cortisol and adrenalin – which suppress the immune system. Breathe deep, meditate, or focus on ‘letting go’ to reduce your stress.
Laugh more. When you laugh, laugh wholeheartedly and from your Belly. The mere thought of laughing helps regulate stress hormones.
Sit with it. Guided visualization, Hypnosis and Meditation exercises have proved to help relieve stress. You learn to focus and sit with what your body is going through – mindfulness may not reduce the intensity of your hot flashes but you can better cope with them and sleep better.
Breathe into the belly. This relaxation exercises is another great way to relax, and slow down your mind, which will help stop some of the racing that is going on in your mind. Connecting within – in mind and body.
Get needed sleep. Insomnia is known to be a common symptom of menopause. These problems don’t just make you tired — they also make you more irritable and stressed. Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. No TV or reading, for that can be a stimulant, not a relaxant.
Enjoy having Sex. Stop Pausing intimacy and start living joyfully. Intimacy can be a stress reliever and help your body relax. Do it for your body!
Get regular exercise. Exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins, keeps you at a healthy weight, and improves your overall well-being. Yoga can be quite relaxing, get your blood flowing and help with your circulation, especially in your hands and feet.
Stop Smoking. Smoking women have more hot flashes as they transition through menopause. Research has linked cigarette smoking to earlier menopause and the impact of smoking on hot flashes.
Get a massage. Getting a massage can help reduce muscle tension —lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increase levels of the hormone oxytocin, which is associated with contentment.
Watch what you consume… Coffee is a stimulant, so cut down on caffeine- especially after 6 p.m. Vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, and chard all support the liver’s ability and immune function by boosting the liver’s capability to flush out toxins. Lastly, use your bed for sex and sleep, and take phone and computer to another room.
Live Joyfully