October Greetings! Hope this post finds you in good health and spirits!
- Illuminate your magic
- Embrace your Shadow
- Howl to the Moon
‘Tis the season to be Spooktacular!
Happy Halloween! Are you all excited for the festivities of ghouls and goblins knocking at your door – or like some, you turn the lights down and pretend no one is home. Right?
This brings me to thinking about how some truly come alive during this time. It’s as if all their creative juices start flowing just thinking about the costumes they are to wear and the makeup they put on. The gorier and scarier, the better.
A friend of mine spends weeks preparing for her costume she’s to wear to work, awakening two hours before just to do her makeup. She even creates her costumes and the makeup to match for the parties she’ll be attending over the coming days. Once, she told me: “this to me is better than opening a Christmas gift.”
Perhaps this is not my thing, but I sure get her point. I also wonder – what makes each of us come alive?
- Do you know what thrills you – still?
- Do you wonder how does it (—) make you feel?
- Does a part of you return to your childhood times or are you living times of your life that you never did before?
Sit back, ponder upon these questions, and allow your answers to flow. Being your authentic self-requires being vulnerable and courageous. Without the masks or makeups. Accept your light and your shadow parts. Feeling good and free to be You!
Don’t be a Pumpkin. As you feel ready to shift, heal, and transform, we can carve out what scares or hinders you – and glow even more! Make an appointment or contact me for more information.
Lovingly – Liza
Evoke what was, Embrace what is, Evolve to what will be – ‘YOU MATTER’
Awareness is looking beyond what you see ~ Liza

We recommend this audio recording to feel at ease as you develop a more positive mental attitude towards your body and treatment. You can get this recording and others at the HealWithin Shop.
It’s that time of the year again! Be part of the biggest fun-giving for Children! Help LIZA by adopting duckies. Click, register, and buy duckies. Be part of “SLAM DUCKS”
To all of you celebrating your Birthday in October,
I wish you Good health,
Good times, and Good life!