Have you ever noticed what happens when you move? Any movement-moving your neck from side to side; arms go up and down; fingers open and close; hips rotate; legs go back and forth; knees bend, toes curl, eyes blink and mouth opens and shuts. You may be wondering how moving your body can help with your self-confidence? Read on!
Self-confidence and self-esteem parallel and stream line to your mind, body and spirit and finding happiness within you. I have experienced walking for 30-45 minutes a day and moving my body allows me to ‘get in tune with’ my body and my inner being thus, allowing me to connect with others in a non-verbal spiritual way. I want to share this experience with you!
As you begin your day, start off with a positive intention. Each day as you place your feet on the ground to get off your bed (assuming you sleep in a bed), think of something loving, or just be grateful. The most effortless way to happiness is to be present; to “just be.”
Movement is a perfect realm that allows us to be in the moment; connecting. When you are in the moment with yourself, no other thought or stress can be present. It’s like dancing. I enjoy dancing for this reason. Have you experienced this joy?
Building your self confidence may be as simple as dancing or enjoying what you do. Gradually as you see the success build, you become more confident. Continue doing what you enjoy, and watch your body, mind and spirit be happier. If you have a dream, then entering into the fearful unknown (such as dance, workout or dating) is the first step in creating what you want. It is the field of all possibilities.
- Everyone has a purpose, a unique gift.
- Today, make a conscious choice to make One Change
- Say one affirmative thing about yourself, be it about your character, job, education, personality, body or looks.
- Move your body – Turn on your favorite music, let your body move and feel your spirit lift! Begin with just 10 minutes at a time.
- DANCE – decide today to live a healthier and more spiritual life!
Move-With-In and you will Heal-Within!