Upon reading about Amy Winehouse, Olympic Medalist Skier Jeret “Speedy” Peterson and, lastly, a friend of our family who shot and killed himself at age 42, I am baffled to say the least.
How is it possible that life can be so dark, depressing and hopeless for so many of the younger generation? Why do they feel they have no way out? Not having someone to believe in them – or someone to confide in? Do they feel too much is riding on their success and do not feel they are able to rise to it? Were is their Hope?
Here is a list of the leading causes of death in the United States for young adults:
- Unintentional injury (accidents)
- Assault (homicide)
- Self inflicted injury (suicide)
So what are the elements that bring such successful, wealthy and famous youth, even adults to this point of no return? What contributs to their loneliness? Is it too much money, too much attention, too many expectations to succeed, feelings of not good enough? too many fake people around… perhaps not knowing who to trust? Peterson met a similar fate but came from an abusive background, poor family and achieved what many only dream of.
There are many factors in life that bring us to such a moment – the moment of truth – reality – the present. Who am I? What have I done with my life, and is living worth it for me? I believe many have pondered these questions. However, not everyone has a mentor, a confidant, a cheerleader, or a true friend in life.
A client of mine who had nearly attempted suicide in her adult years wanted to try hypnotherapy. Throughout our sessions, I learned what pushed her button enough to attempt suicide, despite now being happy to be with us to tell her story. There was one word to describe her feelings: “alone”. She said she felt alone and hopeless.
She came from an well to do family and grew up to be a leader amongst her peers, securing a nice income and traveling all over Europe. She recalls a day sitting on her kitchen floor with a knife in her hand and tears rolling down her face, clouding her thoughts. Then and there, she heard birds chirp outside and in that one instance thought: “it’s as if they are singing for me and to me.”
She shared with me how her body moved slowly as she pulled herself up, went to the window and started whistling back. In that moment, she felt a turning point. She was transferred to another time and place when she was young and would sing along with the birds outside her bedroom window. Good times…Loving times. She felt the joy of being alive and knowing that somehow she was not alone. As a matter of fact, she realized all this time she was surrounded with friends and family who loved and adored her – but could not reach her. The birds happened to reach her!
She ultimately found her way to HealWithin. On the last day of her sessions, she said: “I now feel so hopeful – I know life may not be easy, but it sure is worth living and feeling.”
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”