Do you feel as if your world is upside down?
Have you taken on a passenger mentality in your life, feeling lost or making excuses for your inactions? When things get worse in any area, it can be huge blow to your self-esteem, and it can break you down. If you feel lost or down lately, it might be because you are focusing all of your energies on someone else or other’s causes. It’s time to have some alone time and reconnect with something that you love and have been wanting to do. I’ve just recently snapped out of it, and I just want to sing and dance and share this message with everyone: Stop waiting!
Create a vision for yourself and your life and use the opportunities that come when life throws you a curve ball to review your goals and dreams. You do not have to live through some profound experiences—only to snap out of it. The person you are right now is the cumulative effect of past experiences, by you – for you. Soul searching, attending life-changing events, shedding massive masks, overcoming obstacles, shedding emotional weight, shifting negative habits, healing past hurt and wounds if not fully healed, and deciding to change the course of your life for the better—can happen now. “This is what life is about – autonomy and choices!”
Instead of waiting for life to happen, let’s make it happen. Instead for waiting for a change, create a change within!
Here are 7 steps to being more independent as you share and enjoy life with others.
- Get to know yourself. One of the best ways is journaling and reflecting. Ask yourself: “Did I speak my truth? Be aware of what you’re feeling inside and your words and behavior, which you show to the world. Maybe you said yes to something you really didn’t want to do.
- Start making your own decisions. One way to ease into making your own decisions is by determining “What do I want to do, be, feel.” Making clear choices and taking responsibility for your choices (remember there are no wrong choices) puts you in a power position vs. passive.
- Challenge your beliefs and assumptions. Often our opinions are so habitual that we don’t even stop to see if they reflect what we really feel: we respond because of what we learned and are simply reaffirming the past.
- Become assertive. Becoming assertive is not the same as aggressive, but building confidence and setting healthy boundaries; learning to say no and being clear about your needs and feelings. To improve your wellbeing, boost your self-esteem and feel more independent, I recommend my newly published booklet: “Heal-Thy Mind-Body booklet – Imagination with Intention – Guide to a Healthier Self.”
- Meet your needs. Everyone has a range of needs, such as emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs – just become more loving and to your needs before you meet others’ needs while ignoring your own – “becoming self-responsible.” never stop learning or trying to better your own sense of knowledge in mind, body and emotions.
- Make decisions alone. Letting others decide for you inhibits you from being confident in your own judgments. Believe it or not, you can choose for yourself. Giving yourself the freedom to make your own choices can have a big impact on your inner child.
- Learn to validate yourself. Let mistakes roll off your back and learn from the bad choices. The key to fulfillment is – never to feel fulfilled by following someone else’s dreams: Nothing can beat the feeling of inner pride for good work, deed and accomplishments. Evoke your passion – embrace your femininity – evolve spiritually!
Live Victoriously,
“The grass is always greener where you water it.” ~Liza