With Mother’s Day approaching this Sunday, it’s a good reminder for us to reflect on our connections with the “Inner-Core” or “Inner-Self.” Do you feel nourished and nurtured? Are you allowing yourself time to receive the nurturing and inner guidance that you were born with?
Every human being is born with an intuitive sense of self-awareness. If you ever watch infants play, you’ll notice their keen sense of their own body and surroundings. As we grow older, we are impacted and engrossed with other issues. Without regular practice in self-awareness, we tend to lose the connection with our true highest self, or “our gut feeling.” It’s like being aware, honoring ourselves and our bodies, and becoming a more loving parent to our inner-child.
For the most part when looking back at your life, it’s easier to remember the good than it is the bad, the pleasant than the unpleasant, the laughs than the cries. It’s simply because there’s a lot more of the former.
For those newer to HealWithin, who have not yet connected with and empowered their Inner-Self, now may be the best time to schedule a private session with Liza and give yourself the gift of an Inner-Healing this Mother’s Day. Celebrate the women who have helped you be who you are, as you celebrate your true highest self.
To your wellness,