Liza’s Theory: It takes 33 Days to Form a New Habit

One of the greatest alchemy of life is the way we experience things in life. We’re constantly affected by what happens inside—our feelings and our thoughts—which, in turn, affect our emotions.

We all form habits for a reason. I bet you did too. Be it peer pressure, security, comfort, calmer or whatever inner dialogue you had at one point that worked for you then. Maybe the same habit(s) is no longer beneficial – or worse, it is a hazard to your health, your relationships, even your livelihood.

I’m sure you have heard of “Change your thoughts, and you change your life” by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I bet you have also heard it takes 21 days of consistently repeating an activity before your mind accepts it as a habit. Easier said than done, right?  I believe I have the answer as to why some fall short.

First, we are creatures of habit and function in a society where everything is measured by “time.”  This means – we know and understand seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.

Secondly, your mind is a powerful tool for bringing about beneficial change and success, but it isn’t always your friend. Sometimes it’s a less-than-willing partner; at points, it undermines your good intentions because the reason you do and act has deeper meaning.

It’s not what it does to you – but FOR YOU.

Here is how Liza’s philosophy came about.  I believe it takes ‘33 consecutive days of repeating the same thing over and over – either good or bad, to change and form a new habit.

Are you wondering why 33 instead of 21 days?

Fact: the most days in a month are 31.  If you were to continue a new routine for over 33 consecutive days, then you have done it for over an entire month and are 1 or 2 days into the next month.  So far – so good?

The theory of 21 days is good – but not good enough. Why?  Since our inner timeline knows a month is generally complete in 30 or 31 days, then it may wonder what about the last 7-10 days?  What am I to do then?  Thus, falling short in completing the timeline.

Now most think and feel “If I can do this for over a month, I wonder if I can do it again for the next 33 days” thus, placing the new programming into action for the second month.

By continuing your new and hopefully healthier choice to breaking the old habit, and instead of coming short in the month (21 days) you have now accomplished something you did not believe imaginable.

Lastly, while your entire thought process was to do something for 33 days continually, the pressure and the discomfort of “possible failure” is lifted …and by the completion of the second month, a new habit is formed!  Bingo!

You’ve succeeded and conquered the old habit, saying to yourself: “I did it” – “it worked”!  Remember that success feeds success!

Plus, what is “it”?   IT is YOU.  You had the Power within YOU all along. From day one to day 33, 66, 132 and so on.

For some unknown reason if this method does not work for you, then there may other underlying blocks lingering within your subconscious. That’s when hypnotherapy can help you make the change.

Time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new you.  Drop negative habits and begin living victoriously in mind and body.  If the intent and the desire is present, I promise you Change can be achieved!

You choose the change – I help you be the change.
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