As I evolve spiritually I begin to see Christmas through new eyes. It’s been said that we evolve spiritually either through inspiration or desperation. Perhaps now, with the uncertainty in our economy, many are redefining the meaning of Christmas and how it will be honored. So many follow traditions, where others are forced to accept change. Let us “not forget to remember” the deeper meaning of the season- to inspire and healwithin. What if Christmas means a little more? What if it doesn’t really come in a box or a bag? What IF it comes in a package called “us” – family, friendship, love, service, and above all sharing joy and time?
Holidays are quite nostalgic and special. In fact just the ritual of “tree trimming” takes me back to my childhood years where my grandparents would join my parents and I to help with the trimming. It was customary for my grandmother to pray for health, love and prosperity before the lights were to go on.
Take a moment and think back – do you realize most of your memories are like snap shots of events? We recall our lives in experiences and moments captured and stored in our mind through our senses… times spent with family, sounds of music or laughter, smells of baking cookies or special foods. What if this year, there actually is more than enough of what truly makes Christmas, Christmas is about awareness of Higher Power and the birth of God’s Presence in you and me and every other person. So take this very moment to reconnect with your highest true senses.Memorialize this very moment – be aware of your breath, the sound of your own breath, thoughts and feelings that passed in your mind (good, bad, right, wrong) nothing matters as long as you become aware and present to the experience. Being grateful for who you are, what you have, and what you just felt – Alive and Inspired. Have a memorable and a safe holiday season.
Stay tuned for more awareness to inspiring and healing in our next segment of Healing Blog!
Until next time,
Trance On to Wellness