TMZ reported that Weston Cage’s, wife, Nikki Williams admitted not only that the couple had a physical altercation, but also that she drank even though she knew she was pregnant!
It is not the drinking that is so crucial in this complicated and warped relationship, but the fact that they do not realize how their actions have consequences. This couple, like many others, get into arguments and fights which may lead to becoming physical with one another, whether drunk or not, and do not see the cycle of abuse that they have fallen into.
Abusive behavior does not mean they do not love one another – on the contrary, most often than not, it is due too much of the wrong love that makes them jealous and abusive. Abusive relationships, once established, are characterized by a predictable, repetitious pattern of abuse – whether emotional, psychological or physical – with psychological abuse nearly always preceding and accompanying physical abuse.
When people drink, they are not in control and emotions run high – thus creating a volatile situation that could lead to angry outburts. Now in this case, they admit to getting into fights. Let’s step back for a moment and shift our attention to the child she is carrying. Whether a child is in the mother’s womb or already born, the effects are insurmountable and can do damage to the psyche of the baby.
Over the years, it has been proven over and over that unborn babies feel and take in the emotions of the mother; if they can hear music, they can also hear angry outbursts. In my line of work we see so much of hurt feelings, anger, withdrawal and other senses that stem before the age of 3.
All relationships have highs and low. However, what differentiates violent relationships from normal relationships is (1) the intensity of the expressions of emotion, and (2) the unpredictability of the expressions of emotion. This creates an atmosphere whereby the woman is in a constant state of fear and apprehension. Through hypnotherapy one can delve to the subconscious mind and begin to resolve unconscious behaviors.
Why does this cycle of violence keep the victim trapped in the relationship?
Love – Hope – Fear
In my next blog, I will explain the pattern of Abuse.
Is there a pattern?