Welcome to Heal-Talk Tuesdays with Liza
Today’s session: Relationship with your mother
How does our relationship and bond with our mother affect who we are in our adulthood?
How to Evoke, Embrace and Evolve to be the best version of YOU and heal the past and present relationship.
Few tips:
1- Change Yourself – Your perceptions
2- Have realistic expectations
3- Communicate better – speak it to free it or write it and share it.
4- Appreciate who she is – step into her shoes if you can
5- Love and be grateful for being here
We heal when we Evoke and understand the past – Embrace our present – Evolve towards the Best version of you and what you want to create in life.
3E Event 2019 – Don’t miss out!
Ladies make sure that you also sign up and register to attend our 7th annual 3E Event on June 1, 2019, at Castaway in Burbank. If you sign up before March 11, 2019, you can get the Early Bird discount! Gentlemen, you can give this to the women of your life. It is going to be a day dedicated to women, a day of inspiration, healing, and powerful exercises. Elevate YOU!
#WeHealWithin #HypnotherapyGlendale #HealWithinGlendale #YouMatter #3Emethod
Ladies… Join me at our Live 3E Event!
I encourage you to read the excellent book by Gary Chapman, The Five Languages of Love.
#WeHealWithin #HypnotherapyGlendale #HealWithinGlendale #YouMatter #3Eevent
For more guidance – contact or call me~ I’m here for you. “You Matter”
You can catch my live broadcast on the HealWithnin Facebook page Tuesdays at noon, https://www.facebook.com/Boubari. Don’t have Facebook? No worries, you catch up here or on my YouTube channel. Don’t forget to comment, like, subscribe and share!
If you feel there is a change you need help with, let’s talk! Get a free consultation.