Hypnotherapy can be highly effective at relieving the symptoms of allergies and works best on non-food allergies.
Whether you’re allergic to pollen, have a dust allergy, or gluten, you may have already begun to deal with allergy symptoms. From runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezes, to scratching and skin sensitivity.
What you did not know is that through a hypnotic state, the allergic response is turned off as if turning off a light switch. Many times allergic reactions can be totally eliminated with only a few sessions.
Here something to begin working with that’s quick and easy:
When you sense symptoms beginning, start with a few deep breaths, telling yourself (internally or out loud) to be calm… relax your body more and more with each out-breath… then notice how you are feeling around the symptoms
from a mental or emotional standpoint (“I can breathe through this”, “My body is safe”, “I am calm”).
You may have heard the term “hay fever,” but seasonal allergies, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, are triggered by several different types of pollen, but not by hay. When trees and grasses begin growing in the spring and early summer, they release light, powdery pollen that floats in the wind. If you’re allergic to this pollen, it can result in sniffling, sneezing, wheezing, a runny nose, and itchy and watery eyes. For some people with asthma, pollen can also trigger an asthma attack. Allergy triggers, or allergens, vary depending on the time of year. in the early spring, tree pollen is the usual cause, and in late spring and summer it’s grass pollen that’s the problem.
So if you’re an allergy sufferer, how can you enjoy the outdoors without experiencing unpleasant symptoms?
Here are a few tips:
- Keep windows closed so pollen can’t drift in. Air conditioning will keep you more comfortable in hot, humid weather. A word of caution, air conditioners can create the best conditions (damp and dark) for molds to grow in your home.
- Do some spring cleaning and often.
- If possible, stay inside on windy days when pollen and spores can get blown around.
- Avoid being outdoors in the early morning hours (between 5 am and 10 am), when pollen counts are usually highest.
- If you’ve been outside all day, remove and put it aside to be laundered, and take a shower after coming home.
- This will prevent you from taking all that pollen to bed with you.
- Don’t hang your laundry outside to dry – it can trap pollen and mold, bringing them inside. Use your dryer instead.
Although the arrival of spring brings better weather, it also triggers the release of plant pollen that cause allergies. Hay fever affects about 10-15% of adults in industrialized nations. To treat this, many have turned to medications such as antihistamines, decongestants and sometimes steroids. But these can cause side-effects such as drowsiness, a dry mouth and raised blood pressure.
People itching for a solution to seasonal allergies could get help from self-hypnosis. Simply focusing one’s thoughts on allergen-free environments can reduce symptoms of hay fever. Allergy sufferers have sought alternatives approaches, including yoga, mindfulness, hypnosis and psychotherapy-related methods, to ease their irritation with itchy eyes and runny noses. You too can!
To experience hypnosis and to learn self-hypnosis, please contact our office 818-551-1501.