On this Father’s Day take time to thank and acknowledge your father who has done his best with what he knows. To be a guide and a pillar – the strength for you to trust and depend upon as you strive to earn his respect, and in-turn, he receives your love. For those of you who have lost your father or did not view them as strength, be grateful for the strength within you to stand up for yourself which got established because of him. Be better, do better, give more. See him as human with error and gifts.
My Father thought me how to swim in the Caspian Sea before I turned three years old. That experience alone instilled in me never to fear the vastness of life nor the waves in the ocean. That there will always be tides and undercurrent, yet most times the ocean is calm and inviting and will keep me afloat – only if I trust and swim with the waves. I Love You Dad.
The lessons I learned from my father are: Work hard and strive for the better; be independent; don’t believe all that you hear; keep your mind sharp and calculate before you move; true friends are your best asset; go explore and you can fly higher; make the best with what you have; and lastly, to respect and keep the promises I make.
To all the wonderful fathers, father figures, and male mentors out there who have touched the lives of people: be it your own kids, others’ kids, your family, people you’ve mentored or coached, and the world at large. Thank you for all that you do. We appreciate your existence and the often times silent but impactful role you have played in our lives. Take a moment to sit and go down memory lane. Ask him about his childhood times and his passion.
In closing – you must realize your father had a part in you being here, but who you are today is up to You. You can hold on to what was or create your new story with him in it!
As always “Keep the best – Dump the Rest.” -Liza