Stop making Resolutions – Start creating Intentions!

Resolute = Resolve.  When resolutions you wish to come true are daunting because it seems like such hard work (ie: going to the gym 4x week for 90 days). Create action steps to make your intentions a reality, instead of just a resolution list you created for the New Year.

Nevertheless, many still find making resolutions to be a fruitful exercise: It’s a chance to take a high-level look at where your life is, compared to where you’d like it to be. It’s a day to sit down and ask hard questions about whether or not your actual priorities are in line with your current state priorities Even when you fall short of your own goals, you’ll find that coming close to those goals can be rewarding as well.

Here’s a New Year’s resolution anyone can do: Resolve not to make any more New Year’s resolutions.

Now, wasn’t that easy?  If you’re trying to pay down your credit cards, quit smoking, get a new job, find a mate, or shed some excess poundage, abandoning New Year’s resolutions won’t get you off the hook.

But by setting more realistic goals for yourself and not limiting yourself to a once-a-year, do-or-die, boot-camp style or an all-out assault on those flabby thighs, or the hideous bathroom tiles you keep meaning to replace, you may find that the finish line isn’t so far away after all.

RELAX and guide it to happen!

This will take about 7-10 minutes.

Take this moment and sit back, place your left hand on your chest and your right hand over your stomach. Finding a moment of quietness. This is for you to visualize one (up to three) intentions you wish to bring forth in the next few weeks.  Become one with your vision.  What do you desire in this life?  What do you desire for yourself?  Now, give it a color, a feeling, or even a sound.

Bring it close to you as if placing it on your body, on your chest, and tummy.  Breath through it and let it linger upon your chest –  having it with you in the comfort of your cradle.  let yourself linger and stay with that image.  Imagine how it’ll feel being your desired body shape, working where you want to work, feeling healthier, being more in love hand in hand with your mater.   By now, you may hear your stomach making sounds of validation. So it is!

You can then stretch and go back to your daily routine!  Practice this guided visualization as often as you wish and let the rest come to you!

I look forward to hearing how your intentions are coming along!
To your health,
