Have you noticed how much you hide in your life? Have you noticed how most of your thoughts, feelings and emotions are lived just underneath the surface of what you show to the world?
Every day you wear a mask hiding your true self beneath. You’ve probably adapted, conformed, perhaps changed your thoughts and feelings to please or appease others, only to be accepted and to “fit in”.
Weeks, months, and years go by – when was the last time you stopped to wonder what happened to your dreams – or what has come of you?
Do you find yourself struggling with life or certain situations? Maybe feel that there is no end in sight? If you just sighed and said yes, then it’s no wonder you feel frustrated, anxious, and upset. This is when you must go searching to find the real you again. What would it be like to feel all of it consciously? What would it be like to share all of it honestly and openly?
Self-acceptance may sound like giving up and stopping efforts to improve yourself. But it is not that at all. Self-acceptance – seeing yourself as you really are is the essential beginning to becoming who you want to be. Real self-acceptance gives you a solid foundation upon which to build yourself into whom you want to become. And self-acceptance is not just about appreciating your good points – it is more about being honest about your less commendable traits – without feeling guilty or inadequate because of them.
This is self-acceptance and when you truly accept yourself for who you are, without feeling you have to pretend all the time or wear a mask then, paradoxically your self-confidence takes a massive leap. Although you wear many hats in life, it is uncovering the masks that will set you apart.
Self-acceptance doesn’t mean not striving to improve and change but it does mean making allowances for yourself sometimes, knowing your natural weaker points, and accepting them whilst remembering and strengthening your stronger points.
Once you unmask and truly accept yourself, you will waste no energy or time on self-deception or deceiving others, thus developing clarity as to just what needs improving.
As you become more Self-aware and connect deeply with yourself and who you are, you start realizing that what you experience as difficulty in everyday life can also be an opportunity to evolve and grow. “When a door closes – another opens”.
You can share whatever is going on or ask questions for where you want more clarity in your life. I can help you unfold your masks in a simpler, direct, and honest way.
As you reveal, accept and appreciate yourself for who you are, allow your highest true self to guide you!