You deserve to be your ideal weight and feel good – without diet, pills, snip or tuck!

Stand Up to Slim Down

Liza Boubari author of Stand Up to Slim Down

It’s Not What You Eat – But What’s Been Eating At You

Most of the clients that come to me know what to eat and how to exercise. But what I help them with is to peel away layers of emotional weight they have been carrying and holding on to, most often unknowingly.

My 9-week Stand Up to Slim Down Transformation Experience is exactly what you need!

It’s time to Be FREE and find the true YOU – “You Matter”

I am confident I can help you – Schedule your Free consultation with me.

Ready to let go of the yo-yo now?

What problem are you facing today?

  • What are you holding on to that has been so difficult to deal with?
  • What is going on in your personal life that is stopping you from achieving your results?
  • Did you give birth recently and still can’t shed the weight off your body?
  • Do you feel frustrated with dieting and see no change in your body?
  • Are you experiencing menopausal weight gain to some degree?
  • Would you like me to help discover the secret of how to achieve your ideal body from where you are now?


Change on the outside comes from change on the inside.
Let’s peel away what has been weighing you down.

You are only weeks away from your ideal weight!  Let’s make it happen!

HealWithin Provides Change that Works

Stand Up to Slim DownThe value of you standing up for yourself, your health, well-being, and inner joy is priceless!

This program is about standing up for yourself and eliminating emotional eating. We focus on your mindset and reset what and why your body is yo-yoing and holding onto.

The program has been designed to fully support you in evoking your blocks, embracing your body as is, and evolving to your desired body image and weight.  Become the master of your mind and body through Liza’s signature program.

I invite you to be more intentional about investing in yourself vs accumulating more stuff that spikes your dopamine levels but will not give you a lasting sense of fulfillment and self-respect – you matter.

Let’s manifest your ideal weight

  • 7 One Hour Hypnotherapy Session with Liza  (In person or Skype)
  • 1 Nutrition consultation with our Dietitian
  • 1 Stand Up to Slim Down Workbook with journal
  • 2 Audio Recordings. Drop Weight (before sleep) and Manage Weight (exercise)
  • Signature charm bracelet with affirmation card

  • Weekly follow-ups to keep you on track

  • Lifetime access to resources that will help you navigate whatever live throws at you.
  • Access to a private Facebook page for coaching and support
  • 20% Discount on all workshops and events


I have developed an effective 9-week experience that will end yo-yo dieting, build self-confidence and change your eating habits for good! We focus on eliminating emotional eating by tapping into your subconscious mind. My mission is to revolutionize the way you think, feel, move and nurture your body by creating new standards for yourself. In your 7 private hypnosis sessions, weekly followups, affirmations, and Skype call, you’ll learn to peel away everything that’s ever made you feel wrong, ashamed, or unsafe in your sacred body.

Focus on your mindset.
Acknowledge why your body is holding onto excess fat.
Release what’s been holding you back.